
Credits: NASA & ESA (Hubble Space Telescope)

Messier 69 (M69) is a globular star cluster located in the southern constellation Sagittarius.
Messier 69 lies at a distance of 29,700 light years from Earth and has an apparent magnitude of 8.31. It is one of the fainter globulars listed in Messier’s catalogue.
Its designation in the New General Catalogue is NGC 6637. The cluster is visible in small binoculars, but not easy to observe from northern locations because it never rises high above the southern horizon.
In 10×50 binoculars, M69 appears as a fuzzy star, while small telescopes will show a comet-like shape. Individual stars in the cluster can be resolved in 8-inch and larger telescopes.

Facts about M69 by Keith Turnecliff

The cluster is located 34,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Canes Venatici. It has an apparent magnitude of 6.2 and can be spotted using a pair of binoculars.
The best time of year to observe M69 is during the summer.

This star chart represents the view from Long Itchington for mid August at 10pm.
Credits: Image courtesy of Starry Night Pro Plus 8, researched and implemented by Keith Turnecliff.