
Credits: Keith Turnecliff, Long Itchington

The planet's most famous feature is its prominent ring system, which is composed mostly of ice particles, with a smaller amount of rocky debris and dust. At least 82 moons are known to orbit Saturn, of which 53 are officially named; this does not include the hundreds of moonlets with diameters 40-500 metres in its rings. Titan, Saturn's largest moon, and the second-largest in the Solar System, is larger than the planet Mercury, although less massive, and is the only moon in the Solar System to have a substantial atmosphere.

Facts about Saturn by Keith Turnecliff

The rings extend from 6,630 to 120,700 kilometresoutward from Saturn's equator and avergae approximately 20 metres in thickness.
It is possible to see the gaps in the rings, called the Cassini Division, with a telescope or binoculars.

This star chart represents a view from Long Itchington for early September at 10pm.
Credits: Image courtesy of Starry Night Pro Plus 8, researched and implemented by Keith Turnecliff.