
This group of three stars is frequently overlooked. It consists of Vega, Eplison and Zeta. All three of these are actually double stars. Vega is quite easy to spot with the naked eye and binoculars will show both Epsilon stars as a wide pair, closely matched in brightness and white colour.
Due south from Epsilon is Zeta. It is a double star but the main star is 3.5 times brighter than its neighbour. Pairs of differing brightness are far more difficult to separate. You will need 10x magnification binoculars, steadily supported and sharply focused to split these two stars.

Facts about Zeta by Keith Turnecliff

Lyra is nearly overhead in northern latitudes shortly after midnight at the start of summer.

This star chart  represents a view from Long Itchington for mid August at 10pm.
Credits: Image courtesy of Starry Night Pro Plus 8, researched and implemented by Keith Turnecliff.